Seifer d'Latu

Analyst. Therapist.. Manipulative... Incubus....
And yet these barely scratch the surface.

"When.. you.. wish upon your star. Don't let.. yourself fall.. falling.. too far."

"You wish to know what it is I do? What I'm capable of?" That sly grin emerged, sending a shiver down your spine as it danced upon the corners of his lips. But it wasn't that which unsettled you the most, it was his eyes. The way they pierced you, dissected your very being, sought out your inner most flaws and condemned you for them."Very well. I will show you."


"Beautiful and carefree, that's how we use to be."

Public Knowledge:Seifer presents himself as a former Psycho-therapist, having specialized in treatment for those who suffered mental trauma during the recent war efforts. He comes across as brash, judgemental, and not entirely forthcoming of his goals.With literal years within Ul'Dah, it's become well known that he does nothing for free. What seems a kindness, an act of generosity, or even an off-handed comment later becomes a step towards whatever private goal the man seeks at the time. He is not entirely trustworthy, but never lies.Seifer is friendly enough, and open to being approached. He constantly hangs about the Quicksand, inquiring about people's motives for being there. Compared to his wife, Annalei d'Latu, Seifer is a social butterfly whom enjoys interaction with others.Currently, he supports his wife at their home operated Mortuary by handling paperwork, and offering counseling.


"Ressurection is for those who didn't get it right the first time."

Physical Appearance:

  • Height: 186.5 cm (6'1 feet) tall

  • Weight: Aprox 190lbs

  • Age: Mid 30's

  • Hair: Silvery - Grey with Black Highlights

  • Eyes: Black Sclera, Right Eye is a milky Grey from past damage, Left Eye is Light Blue.

  • Ears: Left Ear is Pierced, wrapped in a black metal chain that contains an energized piece of Auracite.

  • Body Physique: Lean Swimmers Build

  • Markings: Tattoo'd left sleeve, and intricate back piece covering whipping scars. Cross on left stomach. Multitude of both combat and defensive oriented scaring across his body. (See reference pictures) Distinctive scar over right eye.

  • Voice claim: Jamie Campbell Bower, from the band Counterfeit

  • Does your character have Aether sense? - Seifer is an oil-slickened pool of stagnant Aether, filled with various sheens of different Aether.

  • Presence: An Aurora of Un-nerving Confidence.


"Come see my cage, built in my grave.."

Miscellaneous Facts:
~In his youth Seifer was injured during an intense family dispute, scaring his face and losing sight in his right eye. He undergoes monthly aether restoration to retain sight in that damaged eye.
~Seifer was captured in his youth, and forced to serve in the Garlean military, earning the majority of his bodily scars in the process. After five years he was liberated when the transport he was on was captured by Limsan pirates. While the record is public, he refuses to speak of it.
~Seifer is a known avid collector, and player of classic Violins.
~Seifer's name is pronounced Ci-pher.
~Seifer has been known to sing; it can be used as a gauge for how crazy he's feeling. The more he sings, the more likely he is to do something brash and uncalled for.
~He is a known spell-breaker, and has been developing un-usual abilities.
~Seifer does not lie, much to the surprise of others. He is, however, selective of how much he tells you.


"I'm alone on my own in this universe of fear. Beyond the reach of the damned, in this role I'm revered."

Out of Character Information

About the Character:Seifer wears two faces: One for the public, and one for seclusion. Which he bares depends entirely upon the situation, and how well he knows the others involved. Wish to see the other face? Learn the secrets he hides? To dive into this rabbit hole of madness? Then spend the time to gain his trust by Roleplaying with him.Do not be fooled. Seifer is a Villian, and will manipulate those about him to get the desired result. In Dungeons and Dragons terms, his Alignment would be Neutral Evil. He is capable of playing nice, assisting the hero so long as their goals align with his, or going entirely chaotic upon a whim and lashing out at those around him.About the Player:"I started roleplaying in late 1998 via text based chatrooms. In the early 2000's I switched to gaming and cut my teeth roleplaying on Bioware's Neverwinter Nights. Eventually I created a White Wolf - World of Darkness RPG server which we ran for over eight years. This is when I first started playing the Villian, and learned the differences between the Brutes, The Schemers, and the long term Visionaries.Eventually I moved on from Neverwinter Nights (Ah, such fond and now nostalgic memories of that game) to Guild Wars 2, and from there to Final Fantasy XIV."On Roleplaying:I am open to all sorts of RP, from chaotic fun to dark themed, as well as Erotic Roleplay. HOWEVER, my definition of ERP is different than most. I play this character as intimate, with no shyness from making physical contact. It must be something the character himself would do, otherwise I've got no interest in wasting hours for fifteen minutes of IC interaction / ERP.I will not do romance RP. I will not change my character to favor yours. This character is not loving, he enjoys manipulating others and playing on their desires.

"It's way too deep for you to follow so far,
There's no turning back once it gets so steep.
My world vision is a little bit dark,
You'll drown in it before you land on your feet."


Contact Me

Discord: SevasTra#3849
FFXIV - Crystal Data Center - Mateus



In a twisted sense of the word, Seifer is indeed an Incubus. Feeding on the Aether of others to survive, he seeks those who'se desires align with his own. As a result from years of this, the whites of his eyes have turned black, leaving the iris's to reflect light while he is in shaded and dark terrain in a mimicry of what people believe to be demonic.To those with Aether sense, he is an oil-slickened stagnant pond, filled with the remnant aether of those he's feasted upon.Will he have sex with you to feed?
~ It is not required of intercourse for him to feed, only physical contact. Does gender have say in this?
~ He is bi-sexual. So no, he does not care which.

Embodyment of Sin:

LustDefined as "very strong sexual desire," there's a key word in that definition that really defines Lust.Desire.Desire is insidious. It's persistent. Desire isn't necessarily blatant or violent, but it gently, steadily spurs a character on towards chasing what they want. And their wants are always personal. This isn't a character that can be enticed easily to abandoning their personal goals in favor of helping others; their desires have to be appealed to in order to gain their aid.A character defined by Lust can absolutely be sexually promiscuous or overtly flirtatious, but it's entirely possible to be the village bicycle and not be driven by Lust.Lust is a subtle sin, appearing in far more forms than just the complimentary Au Ra that likes to lean over smaller women and smirk. It isn't always the wolf-whistling miqo'te or the ass-grabbing Hyur. Lust is the person who keeps angling towards something they desire, always letting that color their focus as opposed to thinking coldly or logically.The desire that defines Lust is unending, subtle and steady. Desires may change, but the very fact of a character possessing extreme desire never does.
